Wednesday 4 April 2012

Outdoor Decorating

Your outdoor decor is just as important as your indoor decor. It could be even more important considering it is the first thing people see when they go to your house. There are so many ways to make the outside look nice. Trees, flowers, garden statues, furniture and the list goes on.

I will only be talking about a few of things to spice up the outside. Some people think that to have a nice yard is to have a really elaborate outdoor kitchen or living area. That is not exactly true. You can decorate your yard or garden with cheap wind chimes and birdhouses and it will be very pretty. Not everyone has the money for the outdoor kitchens/living areas, so I want to show you things most people can do to add a bit of beauty and relaxation to your yard.

Birdhouses add beauty in a couple different ways. One, it can show your personality and second it brings the birds. Birdhouses are a bit tricky. Make sure that your birdhouse is natural. Birds want to feel safe and if you draw a lot of attention to a birdhouse they won't feel secure. Birds naturally find or make their homes so they have a place to hide from predators. Bright colors draw attention that they don't want. There are many different options for birdhouses. Find something you are interested in such as lighthouses or maybe you have always wanted a Victorian house. You may think of your interest as bright however if you look you can find a birdhouse that is neutral and reflects your interest.

Wind chimes are another simple way to add decor to your outside. They come in many different kinds. Whether you like hummingbirds or fairies you can find a wind chime to show your interest. They also have a soft tone to calm things down outside. Just be careful that you don't put too many out or you may have too much noise. Sitting outside should be peaceful and too many wind chimes may take away from the natural sounds of the outdoors. Most people like to put them on a porch, however, you can hang them anywhere you like. Try hanging one from a tree or in your garden. I love wind chimes because they can bring a bit of color to your house and they are a cheap way to decorate.

Gardens are pretty on their own, however, they are fun to decorate as well. The flowers or plants that are in gardens can take a lot of work. The beauty they offer is worth the effort. Sometimes putting little figurines or statues in a garden really livens it up. Garden gnomes and garden frogs are popular figurines people put in their garden. Don't hide the figurines though.

If you have an entrance for your garden this is a good place to put them. They are small but make a big impact. Some of them have nice little sayings on them so when you are needing something positive in your day you can go to your garden and read it. There are two benefits to this. First, you have words of wisdom and second you can look at your garden!

With summer here there are so many activities going on. Sometimes it's nice to sit back and relax. Hammocks are a great way to do this. I recently found out that they make hammock chairs. You get the benefit of a hammock and your not laying down. Hammocks are usually thought of as hanging from trees. The nice thing about them is that they can come with stands so you can put them anywhere.

There are different types of hammocks so you can choose one that would fit your taste. Hammocks give you a chance to enjoy the outdoors and relax. Whether its reading a book or watching nature you can relax while doing it.

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